Friday, June 13, 2008

Check up on Resolutions for 2008

Since the year is half over I want to check up on how I'm doing as far as my New Year's Resolutions:

Resolutions for 2008
Every year I filled compelled to make to some decisions to modify my lifestyle in the hope that next year I'll be a better, happier, more productive member of society.
When I was in my teens I resolved to attend college to become a Psychiatrist.
I saw a therapist myself for a few sessions
When I was in my 20s the resolutions tended to have much loftier goals. For example 'Next year I resolve to hike the Appalachian Trail with my beloved brother."
I ended up playing a rousing game of PUTT-PUTT with said brother
In my 30s I made resolutions like "I will spend 2 nights a week feeding the homeless."
I ended up buying 1 Happy Meal for the local bum
Now that I am in my 40s I'd like for my resolutions to be a little more realistic.
1. I resolve to cut back on use of profanity. (Not that I feel morally convicted about my vulgar mouth but because my granddaughter's preschool teacher wasn't nearly as amused as I was when my little precious dropped the "F bomb" during snack time.)
2. I resolve to learn how to program my cell phones & keep them charged at all times. (Trying to explain to dear friends that I'm a techno retard is getting tedious)
3. I resolve to spend more time with the people I truly love & less with people I don't even like (Life is too short to dance with ugly people)
So there…simple…quick & easy.
Let's keep it real folks

The verdict...not too f-ing good!

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